Your Journey to Parenthood


A pregnant woman in a white top sits wrapped in a white sheet while a young girl in a purple skirt draws on her belly. The woman has long blonde hair and smiles gently at the girl, who is focused on her drawing.
A pregnant woman in a white top sits wrapped in a white sheet while a young girl in a purple skirt draws on her belly. The woman has long blonde hair and smiles gently at the girl, who is focused on her drawing.
A woman in a white dress stands on a desert path, holding ultrasound images and a young boy wearing sunglasses. They appear cheerful, with the boy dressed in a plaid shirt and denim shorts. The landscape features rocky formations and cloudy skies.
A woman in a white dress stands on a desert path, holding ultrasound images and a young boy wearing sunglasses. They appear cheerful, with the boy dressed in a plaid shirt and denim shorts. The landscape features rocky formations and cloudy skies.
A close-up of a couple with hands placed affectionately on a pregnant belly. The woman is wearing a white, lace dress with floral patterns. The man's arm is draped around her from behind, and both wear wedding rings.
A close-up of a couple with hands placed affectionately on a pregnant belly. The woman is wearing a white, lace dress with floral patterns. The man's arm is draped around her from behind, and both wear wedding rings.


Our clinics offer advanced reproductive technologies and support services across multiple countries, ensuring a trusted and professional experience for our clients.

ivfclinic.cn简介 是一家全球领先的试管婴儿(IVF)医疗服务平台,致力于为世界各地的家庭提供先进、安全、个性化的生育解决方案。我们通过全球15个国家的分支机构,提供从体外受精(IVF)、代孕到基因编辑等一系列综合服务,帮助广大有生育需求的家庭实现拥有健康宝宝的梦想。

作为行业内的佼佼者,我们汇聚了国际顶尖的生育专家、先进的医疗技术和全球化的服务网络,确保为每位客户提供最优质的生育治疗体验。无论您来自何处, 都能够为您提供量身定制的生育方案,并提供全程医疗、法律、心理等一体化服务。

我们的全球服务网络 在全球多个国家设有分支机构,覆盖了格鲁吉亚、吉尔吉斯斯坦、哈萨克斯坦、美国、乌克兰、柬埔寨、泰国等热门代孕及生育治疗目的地。这些国家拥有先进的医疗设施和专业的治疗团队,同时具备灵活的法律支持与优惠的治疗费用,是众多家庭选择的理想目的地。



  1. 第四代IVF技术(IVF 4.0)


  2. 精准IVD检测,我们依托先进的IVD(体外诊断)技术,结合全面的基因检测、激素水平分析等手段,全面评估客户的生育健康状况,帮助我们为每位客户量身定制最佳的治疗方案。

  3. 基因编辑与优选性别方案








为了让客户更好地了解治疗过程, 提供IVF旅游深度考察服务。我们为您安排到全球分支机构的实地考察,您可以亲自体验医院设施、设备以及医疗环境,全面了解治疗过程和费用结构。通过考察,您可以放心地选择最适合您的医疗方案。


  1. 全球15个分支机构,遍布全球热门生育目的地,提供便捷的跨国医疗服务。

  2. 领先的第四代IVF技术,精准筛选健康胚胎,大大提高试管婴儿成功率。

  3. 美国专家团顾问支持,为您提供科学、专业的治疗方案和全程指导。

  4. 基因编辑与性别优选方案,为您提供健康、个性化的生育选择。

  5. 全球定制治疗方案,根据您的需求量身定制,确保治疗效果最大化。

  6. 包成功计划,如果治疗未成功,我们将继续提供后续治疗和支持。

  7. IVF旅游深度考察,实地了解治疗环境和过程,做出最明智的决策。


无论您身处哪个国家, 都能为您提供最专业、最个性化的IVF治疗服务。我们承诺为您提供全程医疗、法律、心理等一体化支持,确保您的生育治疗过程顺利、安全,并最终迎来健康、幸福的未来。





Georgia (Tbilisi), Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek), Kazakhstan (Almaty), China (Nanjing), Thailand (Bangkok), Cambodia (Phnom Penh), United States (California & Oregon)格鲁吉亚第比利斯,吉尔吉斯斯坦比什凯克,哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图,中国, 泰国曼谷,柬埔寨金边,美国加州,美国俄勒冈州


周一至周五 Monday-Friday


A woman lies in a hospital bed smiling joyfully while holding a newborn baby wrapped in a blanket. The setting appears to be a hospital room, indicated by her hospital gown and the IV line visible on her hand.
A woman lies in a hospital bed smiling joyfully while holding a newborn baby wrapped in a blanket. The setting appears to be a hospital room, indicated by her hospital gown and the IV line visible on her hand.
A couple is holding up ultrasound images in an outdoor setting, surrounded by greenery. The woman is wearing a light blue dress with pink floral patterns, and the man is in a light-colored polo shirt.
A couple is holding up ultrasound images in an outdoor setting, surrounded by greenery. The woman is wearing a light blue dress with pink floral patterns, and the man is in a light-colored polo shirt.
An egg stands on a pale surface with vibrant pink petals in the foreground. The background is a soft gradient between white and light gray, highlighting the egg's texture.
An egg stands on a pale surface with vibrant pink petals in the foreground. The background is a soft gradient between white and light gray, highlighting the egg's texture.
Two people gently place their hands on a pregnant belly, symbolizing love and anticipation. The scene exudes warmth and tenderness.
Two people gently place their hands on a pregnant belly, symbolizing love and anticipation. The scene exudes warmth and tenderness.
A pregnant person is shown with hands forming a heart shape shadow on their pink covered belly, with the person's hands placed underneath the belly. The person is wearing a light pink shirt over a darker pink top and a white skirt. There is a pink ribbon visible on the clothing.
A pregnant person is shown with hands forming a heart shape shadow on their pink covered belly, with the person's hands placed underneath the belly. The person is wearing a light pink shirt over a darker pink top and a white skirt. There is a pink ribbon visible on the clothing.
A pregnant woman is standing barefoot in a minimalist room with a white background. She is draped in a flowing white cloth and holding a bouquet of delicate flowers. The cloth partially covers her body while some of it spreads on the floor. She has blonde hair that is styled in waves and is looking off into the distance.
A pregnant woman is standing barefoot in a minimalist room with a white background. She is draped in a flowing white cloth and holding a bouquet of delicate flowers. The cloth partially covers her body while some of it spreads on the floor. She has blonde hair that is styled in waves and is looking off into the distance.

提供IVF、代孕和卵子捐赠服务的专业机构 合作伙伴